Porn use is at an all-time high with no signs of slowing down. Do you want out of this cultural sexual experiment? Are you tired of losing your battle with porn, and wanting to see real victory? This brand-new class (“Changing our Minds about Porn”) is a grace-based approach to break free from unwanted porn use. While individuals can benefit from this online course, it is really designed for small groups or one-on-one discipleship, where men can break free from porn together. In these four 25-minute video sessions, you will learn:
(1) the ethical case against porn
(2) how to crush the false beliefs that fuel porn addiction
(3) ways to strengthen your mind to powerfully battle thoughts and feelings of pornographic compulsion
(4) practical and simple steps to set yourself up for success as you make your decision to quit
This video series comes with a handout that includes discussion questions, homework assignments, and exercises for small groups or one-on-one times of discipleship. The video class can be accessed below via YouTube.