1 Samuel-2 Chronicles

1 Samuel

Introduction to 1 & 2 Samuel

(1 Sam. 1:11) Does God support bargaining practices and vows?

(1 Sam. 2:30-31) Did God change his mind?

(1 Sam. 6:19) How many were killed? 70 or 50,070?

(1 Sam. 8:7-8) Why would God say he was rejected as the king, if he included instructions for a king (Deut. 17:14-20)?

(1 Sam. 13:1) What is the correct number here?

(1 Sam. 15:3) Why did God destroy the Amalekites?

(1 Sam. 15:11) Does God have regrets? (cf. Gen. 6:6)

(1 Sam. 15:22) Does God delight in sacrifices or not?

(1 Sam. 16:1ff) Is it morally right to lie?

(1 Sam. 16:14) Why would God send an evil spirit to Saul? (c.f. 18:10)

(1 Sam. 17:4) Are descriptions of biblical giants like Goliath believable?

(1 Sam. 17:31ff) Is this story of David and Goliath a Sunday school myth?

(1 Sam. 17:50) Who killed Goliath—David or Elhanan?

(1 Sam. 18:3-4) Were David and Jonathan gay?

(1 Sam. 18:10) Why would God send an evil spirit to Saul? (c.f. 16:14)

(1 Sam. 19:9) Why would God send an evil spirit to Saul? (c.f. 16:14; 18:10)

(1 Sam. 28:7ff) How could the spirit of Samuel appear to Saul?

(1 Sam. 31 & 2 Sam. 1) How did Saul die?

2 Samuel

(2 Sam. 1:18) Why don’t we still have this book in the canon?

(2 Sam. 6:7) Why does God kill Uzzah for trying to protect the Ark of God?

(2 Sam. 7:14) If this passage is prophetic of Jesus, why does it say that he sins?

(2 Sam. 7:11-16) Is the Davidic Covenant still operative today? –or Did the Jews forfeit these blessings because of their rejection of Christ?

(2 Sam. 8:4) How many horsemen did David capture?

(2 Sam. 12:15) Why did God kill David’s boy for David’s sin?

(2 Sam. 12:23) If infants go to heaven, does this justify infanticide?

(2 Sam. 12:31) Why did David torture his enemies like this?

(2 Sam. 21:19) Who killed Goliath—David or Elhanan? (cf. 1 Sam. 17:50)

(2 Sam. 22:22-24) How can David say that he never turned away from God’s laws?

(2 Sam. 24:1) Did God move David to take the census, or did Satan? (cf. 1 Chron. 21:1)

1 Kings

Introduction to 1 & 2 Kings

(1 Kings 2:22-23) Why does Solomon act so severely with Adonijah asking for Abishag as his concubine?

(1 Kings 3:12) Was Solomon greater than Jesus?

(1 Kings 4:26) How many stalls did Solomon have?

(1 Kings 6:1) Does this improperly date the Exodus?

(1 Kings 7:23) Does the Bible incorrectly measure pi?

(1 Kings 8:13) Did God dwell in the Temple, or is he omnipresent?

(1 Kings 8:23) Does this passage support henotheism?

(1 Kings 11:1-3) Does the Bible support polygamy?

(1 Kings 15:5) How could David be pictured as nearly perfect?

(1 Kings 18:40) Was it wrong to kill these false prophets?

2 Kings

(2 Kings 2:23-24) Mauled 42 boys for saying “Baldy”?

(2 King 3:27) Did God have anger at Israel for this Moabite human sacrifice?

(2 Kings 5:17-18) Does this passage support radical contextualization?

(2 Kings 13:21) Does this passage support the Roman Catholic practice of venerating relics and the bones of dead saints?

1 Chronicles

(1 Chron. 21:1) Did God move David to take the census, or did Satan?

2 Chronicles

(2 Chron. 7:12ff) Does God dwell in the Temple, or is he omnipresent?

(2 Chron. 9:25) How man stalls did Solomon have: 4,000 or 40,000?